Unit Two: Pioneer |
Activity Tasks |
Students will:
- define pioneer.
- learn about Dr. Jane’s pioneering research methods.
- read a chapter from Dr. Jane’s book, In the
Shadow of Man, to view her research in action.
- research basic information about the animals they choose
to study.
- conduct observations.
- prepare a formal lab report.
- enrich the lives of their subjects.
- complete journal entries discussing how their culture
treats captive and wild animals.
Dr. Jane’s Lesson |
While Dr. Jane was studying chimpanzees
in Africa, she developed methods of research no one had used
before. Many researchers strongly disagreed with her and did
not take her seriously. Despite this criticism, Dr. Jane recognized
that her methods were very effective, so she continued to use
and improve them over the years. Students can review this early
part of Dr. Jane’s
researching years and learn that it is possible to have
the courage to do something no one has done before and, if it
is effective, continue to do it despite criticism from others.
Duration |
- Part 1 – 15 minutes
- Part 2 – 2 hours
- Part 3 – Time will vary depending on chosen enrichment
Materials |
- Notebook paper
- Data sheets
- Pen or pencil
- Hard surface for writing
- Miscellaneous materials to create enrichment items
Connecting to the Content |
People learn best by doing and
in this section, students study an animal of their choice
just as they would if they were ethologists. They are given
the chance to pioneer their own form of notetaking in a free-form
method and then organize the information with data sheets
commonly used today. Part of being an effective researcher
is improving the lives of the research subjects when possible.
Students are encouraged to take on this responsibility by
creating enrichment materials for the animals they study.
Procedure |
Part 1: Explore Dr. Goodall’s Pioneering
Chimpanzee Research
- Direct the class to Merriam-Webster’s
Online Dictionary to find the definition of pioneer.
Direct students to the word’s etymology and variety
of meanings.
- Have students view Dr.
Jane’s scrapbook to learn about her pioneering
method of research.
- Ask the class to read a chapter from Dr. Jane’s
book, In
the Shadow of Man. Ask them why Dr. Jane’s
first two big discoveries were so important. Do they have
a sense of their importance for Dr. Jane and the scientific
community at large?
Part 2: Collect Data
- Have the class research basic information about the animals
they choose to observe.
- If they are observing chimpanzees, have them access
resources listed on the Observer
primate research project page.
- If they are observing other animals, have them use
the library or internet to learn basic information about
their animals.
- Tell students to find one behavior they are particularly
interested in observing.
- Have students divide into groups of two and go to their
research sites. Students record all categories of animal
observation on regular lined notebook paper. One person
records the behavior of one individual and the other person
records the behavior of the whole group.
- Direct the class to record their observations on their
data sheets.
- Have students prepare a formal report of their observations
and invite them to share their findings with the class.
Each report should contain a hypothesis, procedure, data,
drawings, and conclusions.
Part 3: Help Improve Lives of Animals
- Challenge students to think of ways they can improve the
lives of the subjects they studied. Refer
them to the online resources and projects provided.
- Have the class create the enrichment objects (primates in captivity or animals in the community).
- Have students reflect on their culture and recent captive
animal observations. How do they feel captive and/or wild
animals are treated in this culture? Have them write down
their reflections in their journal entries.
Assessment |
Have students:
- demonstrate the meaning of the word pioneer.
- demonstrate their knowledge of the animals they chose
to observe.
- explain if they had a preferred method of taking free-form
notes and share their results.
- share either the enrichment items they created or their
plans for building enrichment.
- share how they feel captive and/or wild animals are treated
in this culture.
Extensions |
Students may choose to have an ongoing
project similar to Amelia’s
Wild Friends.
Terms |
- Ethologist – Person who studies
animal behavior.
- Habituating – To make used to
something; more specifically, the process ethologists use
to accustom the animals they are studying to human presence,
done by continually putting themselves in the vicinity of
the animals; enables ethologists to get close enough to
view the animals and increases the chance of seeing natural