The Eight Intelligences |
Naturalist Intelligence describes a person’s ability to observe, see patterns, and make connections in living things
(plants and animals) and in natural phenomena (clouds, rocks, etc.) This intelligence highlights the accomplishments of scientists in creating classification
systems. |
Bodily Intelligence is found in dancers, athletes and inventors because of their prowess in using body movement to express
ideas and feelings and to implement game plays or use their hands to create new products or transform things. Think of people who learn best by doing, if
they can manipulate it, do it, create movements to learn it, then they develop understanding.
Verbal Intelligence is the capacity to use words effectively, either in writing or in speaking (storytelling and debating).
People who demonstrate this intelligence pore over words, are fascinated with language. |
Logical Intelligence involves skill with numbers and number manipulation and skill in strategies for reasoning - scientific,
deductive and inductive. Problem solving interests these students, and they like the challenge of organizing and using numbers and developing charts, timelines
and graphs as expressions of thinking. |
Spatial Intelligence is defined by an ability to see the spatial world accurately and to act upon those images through painting,
drawing, designing and sculpting. Because they see internally, they are often good at chess and navigation (finding their way in uncharted spaces); they may also
be daydreamers. These are the artists who like anything visual, who see images and pictures and draw their ideas. |
Musical Intelligence shows itself in how a person responds to sounds and rhythms and enjoys and seeks out opportunities to hear music,
and to improvise and play with sounds and rhythms. They often tap their feet or pencils, sometimes hum while working intently and perk up when they hear music. |
Interpersonal Intelligence is the capacity to communicate easily and work collaboratively with others. People who demonstrate this
intelligence are sensitive to feelings and moods. These students are good listeners, work well in collaborative situations and seem to get along with anyone. They
have a knack for bringing out the best in each learner.
Intrapersonal Intelligence focuses on self-knowledge and the ability to act on the basis of that knowledge. These people are reflective,
thoughtful learners who need to see the big picture and have time to fit new knowledge into current thinking; they enjoy building awareness of their own processes for
learning. |
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