Now that you have completed the community evaluation,
you have information about a variety of issues and problems
in your community. Choose one of these issues or problems
that is of particular interest or concern to you. Research
that issue or problem more fully.
Tips for your research:
Ask around! You can get information from many of the
adults in your school including teachers, counselors,
administrators, maintenance workers, and coaches. Parents
and neighbors can be valuable resources as well.
Use the internet: Using a search engine such as Google,
put in terms that relate to your problem or issue and
the name of the community affected by it (this could
be your city or town, or perhaps your neighborhood or
school). Examples:
homeless - Birmingham, Alabama
abandoned animals - Hanover, New Hampshire
native plant species - El Dorado County, California
recycling - District of Columbia Public Schools
Washington, D.C.
wildlife rehabilitation - Lawrence, Kansas
If your problem or issue involves human behavior,
you may want to conduct a survey; for example, if you
want to learn more about energy consumption in your
school, you could interview staff and students about
their energy usage.
Contact your local volunteer clearinghouse; you can
find this information in a phonebook or on the internet.