After the two chimps come down out of the trees, we
see Gaia moving across the forest- stopping briefly
to mimic a drumming display and it appears that she
has picked something up- then moves off. Gaia had picked
up a cicada and is carrying it in her hip pocket. Chimpanzees
are very fascinated by insects and in the case of cicadas,
they often become toys of young infants.
Galahad, her older brother is watching Gaia- looking
with fascination at the insect she has- knowing that
she is able to carry it in her hip-pocket. The family
walks into the forest, Gaia appearing to walk with a
limp is really trying to carry this insect while she
Now Gaia has this animated object in her mouth- patting
it, gently playing. Galahad knows what Gaia has and
he wants to play as well. Cleverly, Gaia stays close
to Gremlin in order to avoid Galahad’s curiosity,
distancing herself from his reach. Using Gremlin as
a “pole” to run around, Galahad chases Gaia,
in a playful attempt to get the insect. Gaia finally
puts the insect in her mouth and runs away.